Some time ago I had to buy an entire collection to get hold of two very nice rentjong for my own collection. Most items came from different regions and quickly went to other collections but there was one piece I kep out of fascination with it.

It is a nice yataghan, a typical short sword of the Ottoman empire used for a very long period. This one is probably 19th century or older.
One side it has an inscription in old Turkish that is quite common on Ottoman yataghans.
Darbından bu bıçağın cümle düşman tar ü mar
İntikam alır aduvvdan sanki misli zülfikar

Which can be roughly translated as:
All the enemies are decimated from the blow of this knife
It takes revenge from enemies as if it was Ali’s (RA) sword Zulfikar
In the middle of the text is a stamp that is probably the makers mark. The other side only has a simple decoration engraved.

The steel is laminated, and might be wootz.

The handle has long “ears” as they are called and it is made of marine (walrus) ivory. The fittings of the handle seem to be made of gilded brass with red coral stones in them.

The sheath has a ribbed wooden base covered with very fine leather that is kept together with brass wire. All parts of the yataghan show a high level of craftmanship.

Despite the fact that it does not fit any of my collecting themes it has received a home in my current collection. As this is out of my area of knowledge please let me know if I have made a misstake in the description!