This group of photo’s in my collection originates from a Hungarian refugee in Canada. After he or she passed away the photo’s were sold but the seller was not willing to release the name of the original owner/photographer. So here I present a group of never published photo’s of the Hungarian revolution.
Please be aware some of the photo’s are shocking and not proper for children. Some of the photo’s have captions stating the location. As far as available I will add them too. Other than that I will let the photo’s speak for themselves.
The Revolution of 1956 should never be forgotten and the participants deserve to be remembered by the current and future generations, both Hungarian and internationally. Freedom is worth fighting for!
Kalvin square with broken down street cars

Soldiers, tanks and casualties on Tisza Kalman square

A communist statue taken down!

Broken down tank with Freedom fighter in front

Canon in the damaged streets of Budapest

A badly damaged streetcar

The canon of the first photo from the other side?

Barricades in the street with the text “Russians go home” in Hungarian and Russian…

In remembrance of all participants and victims of the 1956 revolution!